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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bad Movies - Mega Piranha

So... Just came back from movie night with my friends. Didn't have any particular movie to watch though, so someone suggested something with piranhas. Turns out there was only one movie in Netflix about piranhas, and it was Mega Piranha. The title says it all, really. The plot, written on Wikipedia...

"The film focuses on the Orinoco River in Venezuela, where a strain of genetically modified piranha have escaped into an isolated tributary of the river. Through human interference of the local environment, the megapiranha manage to escape from their isolated spot and swim downstream, killing all that crosses their path. The megapiranha gradually make their way towards Florida at the height of the tourist season."

I'm not very big on monster movies, honestly. They just don't appeal to me because of the one-sided, ridiculousness that's typically predicable and cliche at this point. Not to mention how I was recently talking about some of the filming techniques that a friend of mine told me in this blog post, Promo - Fiorella Films, so watching this complete mess of bad acting, bad plot, HORRIBLE CGI, and the overall low budget feel of the movie just seemed... well, a joke. I mean, here's probably the highlight of the movie.

 I was going to blame the bad acting, editing, and camera usage on the director, but upon research, it turns out that the director wasn't even there for the shooting apparently. What the hell? It makes me wonder if the director KNEW that it was going to be bad and just didn't care about this movie. Even aside from that, they try to pull some pretty bad Hollywood bullshit like "sucking on dead batteries to recharge it.". Here's a clip of the scene.


Yeah. ._. I pretty much gave up on the movie at this point. Just letting you guys know how bad this movie is. Feel free to check it out, if you're into this kind of thing. Otherwise, I'd just.. not bother. 

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