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Friday, December 16, 2011

Even Moar Content!

Kingdom of Loathing, day 16 of the Advent Calendar update, and a little Terraria talk. Since the sales on games this year aren't that great (so far), games that you already have now might as well get some extra attention this season. That's what I'm doing anyway. Hopefully I can get around to finishing the games that I'm currently working on, like Disgaea, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Guild Wars, and Mass Effect, but most of it will have to come in January with all the holiday content being pumped out everywhere else.

The daily release of content, even if it's a little bit at a time, just feels very exciting. I feel like it's gotten an awful lot of hype (particularly from me) compared to everything else that's going on right now. Maybe because I find out most of the new content quickly, and after that, there's nothing new to look forward to unless something new gets discovered. So slow trickles of frequent updates may be the way to go for keeping enthusiastic people's interests longer. Not sure whether if there should be emphasis on enthusiastic, since I'm not sure how many people would find this sort of content release make them lose interest during the releases, and end up waiting until the end when everything is available.

Anyway, the new area in the Candy Diorama was released on Kingdom of Loathing. The Gummi Mines works similarly to all other mines in the kingdom, down to how the good stuff are found in the deep end of the mines, and how there are 4 of each 3 gummi ingots, which each of the same ingots will be found next to each other as well. Some of the candy gems can be found in the mines, but it probably isn't worth spending any additional adventures to look for them, since you'll find some on the way to the deep end of the mines anyway.

Due to myself delaying this post with a little business to attend to this whole day, rollover hit, and it seems like there's some fossils to be found in the mines as of day 17. Of course, that would make sense to use with the Blank Fudge Mold that we made in the other two areas, and ... seems like they make some REALLY over powered candy that gives 200 sub-stats. Considering candy has no limited use per day, this seems like some ridiculous Normal run pulls from Hagnk's. Well, better get mining until I run out of fudge to make fudge molds.  

As for Terraria, I went ahead and made yet another new world to check out the Snow biome. It's so pretty, seeing snow falling from the sky, and cool that monsters drop Present Boxes randomly, much like the Souls of Light and Souls of Night in the Underground Hallow and Underground Corruption. I have yet to go into Hard Mode in this world yet though, so I haven't gotten to much of the content yet. We'll see how this update will be like in its entirety when Solomon and I are done building peppermint houses that are oddly shaped like... some phallic stuff for NPCs to live in. >_>;

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