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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wishlist - October 2011

Just a quick list of things that I am looking into buying at the moment. Of course, knowing me, these things will sit in my wishlist for the next half a year or more

1. Marina Micro LED Lights, Light Set, & Hub

Firion needs more light. Read previous post for more details.

2. Nintendo 3DS

I mean, really. If this wasn't in the list here, what's wrong with me?

3. Plain Head Sweatband (Blue)

This is kind of an impulse listing, since I really don't have much NEED for a sweatband, but was wondering how effective it would be in keeping my long hair in place. Figured it's better than a girly headband, and always wearing it in a ponytail is kind of boring, but there are no other alternative way of wearing my hair that isn't stupid looking for me. If not, I was also wondering whether if it could double as an eye mask at night. >_>; ... Not its intended purpose, but I'm just a resourceful kind of guy who makes use of whatever I have available to use in a way that would get more things done, without harming anything... unless the item is just disposable or something.

4. Sony Playstation 3

This isn't really for me so much as it is for my girlfriend. Partially because my dad has a PS3 back at my house in New Jersey, and partially because the DVD player here is so crappy, it barely even plays DVDs. -_- What use does a DVD player have if it doesn't play DVDs properly? So I thought a PS3 would be a great replacement for that, as well as allowing me to play my copy of Star Ocean: The Last Hope - International - finally, which I had bought like... over a year ago. I believe I got it some time in February 2010, which was soon after I came down here to Florida. No one else we know seems to have a working PS3 around, and all this time, despite how badly I wanted to play the game, I haven't been able to play it. @_@

Okay, so maybe the PS3 IS partially for me, but it will be for my girlfriend to keep. I would have bought this a long time ago had I found a job like I had planned since I came here. =/ Even before fixing the economy, the corruption in Florida needs to be ironed out because things are quite messed up over here. Not going into politics though. Not my favorite topic, and neither is it for most of my readers anyway.

I'm trying to find more things that would go on this list, but I'm drawing a blank right now. Maybe there just isn't too much that I really want.. or that maybe I won't have much to want until I reach the door of playing more games with the 3DS and PS3 first. >_> Cause I could list the games that I want for them, but.. that'll have to wait until when I get the consoles, I guess.

Edit: After thinking some more, I realized there were two things that I've also had in mind.

5. Car

Don't care what brand, the features, and other luxury details. As long as it gets me to places safely, the cheapest car will do. Transportation is one of the things that are keeping me from getting a job right now, since the bus stops around here are ... stupidly lacking. The closest bus stop for me will probably be well over a mile or two, and waking up early enough to even fast walk over a mile to get to a BUS STOP to get to a job seems ridiculous to me. Maybe I'm spoiled to think that, but having my own car will definitely help increase my chances of landing a job. The only problem this isn't on top of the list though is because of auto insurance that I obviously can't afford to pay right now, even though my driving record is absolutely clean. Not even being stopped by a police officer for speeding and such. The roads in Florida are just.. ridiculous to me. The many drivers on the road don't communicate with the other drivers very much, the traffic lights are designed to CAUSE an accident with a $200+ fine hovering over each intersection with their red-light-runner capture cameras and their ridiculously short yellow lights, and tailgators everywhere. @_@ Second, there's no room in the driveway here for another car, unfortunately. I'm not sure where I would park my car if I were to get one at this house.

6.  Sword

Well, this has been on my mind since I picked up the way of the Sword Named Truth. But at the same time, it's been hard finding a good sword that matched my basic, standard image of the Sword. Generally, a long sword or a claymore would work well, as long as it is a double-edged sword, because many truths have two sides that can harm both the target and the user if not used correctly. This whole symbolism has had a strong impact on me, and I thought it would be nice to have as an ornament, as well as to pose with for pictures or something. Heck, if I ever do get a sword, I will post pictures of myself with the sword on here. Perhaps with the sweatband and some other stuff too. >_> Cause there's plenty of cool characters in video games that wear some type of headband.

Vincent from Final Fantasy VII
Dart from Legend of Dragoon

Sol from Guilty Gear

Although Sol's isn't really a sweatband, but it's still a band he wears on his head. ... Also, why are they all red.. ? >_> I can't think of any characters that wear blue headbands for some reason..

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