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Monday, October 24, 2011

Feesh! - Firion 1

 It was on my birthday last year, when I got my own pet again. It's been several years since I've had my 4 goldfish; 2 of which I had won from a carnival that lived for about a decade, the other two from petstores after that, which only lived for about 5 to 7 years at most. I was rather young, unoriginal, and not-as-creative with names at the time, so I ended up naming them Gold and Silver, due to them being colored that way when I won them from the ping pong toss game. I hadn't given the game much thought at the time either. I just tossed the balls at the jars, and out of three balls, two of them somehow fell in the same jar after bouncing off the rims of many in the middle. When I got the two, little goldfish in the plastic bags, I was in awe of what I had happened to win. They were sleek and simple looking fish, but gave me the impression that they were fast swimmers. As I watched them swim around in the water in the plastic bags, they sparkled with their bright, shiny scales as the sunlight brightly lit their colors.

After getting home, we put them in a traditional fishbowl that we had after keeping several other fish I had, although they didn't live for very long. At the time, I hadn't really understood why. After several days, they would be floating at the top, lifeless, which even now makes me sad to think about them. =( But when we learned that they needed oxygen in their water, we decided to get them an air pump, then a bigger fish tank, then decorations. We eventually had a fairly complete set of an aquarium and was happy to see that Gold and Silver were living healthy in the tank. Feeding them every day brought a smile on my face as they swam up to eat the flakes that I would drop in the water.

After a few years, my parents decided to get some more fish for the aquarium, and brought home two goldfish, of different variety. I can't name what type of fish they were at the moment, but they were definitely fatter. One was large, bulky, and had a big head. The other was one of those goldfish that have bulging eyes. I ended up naming them Platinum and Copper, just because it went together with Gold and Silver to some extent. >_> Mom was worried that Gold and Silver might fight with them since they were in the tank longer and such, but they never did anything of the sort. They all went about with their fishy business and kept to themselves, which is good.

Anyway, this post was supposed to be about Firion, my current pet, which also happens to be my first betta fish. After thinking about all that what my parents have done and said about my goldfish though, I guess they were thinking more about betta fish than goldfish, since bettas don't need oxygenated water, fight each other, and thus better kept in a traditional fishbowl.

Two of my friends I met through Vicki, Rachel and Nebby, came to my birthday party, although I hadn't planned any sort of fun event aside from getting together and having fun playing video games, it was what worked best for most of us, especially me. I don't care much for rides and attractions as much as more interactive activities like bowling and video games. However, I'm still unemployed, and so are several others around me. Even if some people do have some form of income, some are rather hesitant about spending money at events as well, much like myself. I hate being as stingy as I am, but without income, what can I say? Just because I have some cash on me at the time, doesn't mean that it's money that I can mindlessly spend immediately without considering the consequences in the future. I constantly wait for sales and other money saving opportunities for anything I spend on. Even now, I'm waiting for a LED light to light up your fishbowl to go on sale at PetSmart so that I can see Firion better, as well as take better photos of him.

Firion lit by a flashlight
Anyway, back to my birthday, Rachel and Nebby arrived with the capped, plastic cup with a Crowntail Betta inside. Now, he's staring at me from inside his dark fishbowl. ._. A slightly crowded fishbowl with a floating, hollow log for him to sit in, a plastic plant, a thermometer, and a rock inside. Good thing the light that I plan on getting for him can be placed outside of the bowl to light it up.

It's also nearing my 25th birthday as well as the first anniversary since Firion and I became buddies. o_o I'll be posting more about him another time, I'm sure. Maybe I'll have the light for him by then.

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