Which do you prefer? RPGs or FPSs?
RPGs - 5 votes
FPSs - 1 vote
I don't like either - 0 votes
Borderlands FTW! - 0 votes

Perhaps I just appreciate a good story, which is why I enjoy playing JRPGs and all these novel games like Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, 999, Infinite Space, and who knows what else. It's weird that I simply don't care enough to read books though. >_>' I'm already doing an awful lot of reading in all these novel games as it is. Maybe I just hate paper. I certainly enjoy typing more than writing things out. Eh, save the trees anyway, even if I hate spring pollen.
So my question is, do the people who answered both RPGs and FPSs in this poll prefer RPGs over FPSs? Or do we have different poll participants from this poll result? Either way, I kind of wonder whether if I should have been more elaborate with this question and ask whether if they like JRPGs, Western RPGs, or either.
I would talk more about the differences between those, but these videos from Extra Credits seem to sum up everything I could say and more on the matter, so I'll link them here.
So yeah, most JRPGs tend to be VERY different from FPS games, but I think a good portion of Western RPGs can also be considered FPS, particularly because you tend to play them in a first person view, and can sometimes have long-ranged weapons or magic spells that you shoot. They're still dominantly RPG IMO, but I can see some gameplay as a long-ranged fighter crawl close to what an FPS game would do.
I haven't played too many Western RPGs myself though, except Mass Effect, I guess, and... it is definitely a good blend of both RPG and FPS in this case. I'm not quite sure I even put Borderlands in the poll when I've never played the game. I wonder whether if I am missing out on anything big by not having played any of the Elder Scrolls or Fallout games. They certainly don't have much appeal to me for whatever reason. Maybe I just need a little convincing with some gameplay footages that are just awesome for me to try them.
Well, this post sure did end up with a lot more questions. Feel free to drop in your opinions in the comments below regarding the JRPG, WRPG, and FPS spectrum.
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