As of right now though, everything that I put on my Twitter is the same stuff that gets posted on my Facebook, through AIM's AOL Lifestream thing. I can post directly from my buddy list on both Facebook, Twitter, and anything else I decide to join and link the account to, like FourSquare, which I really don't use much considering I still don't have a smartphone yet. I can't really picture myself going to too many places though, but it'll be something I can start doing once I get the phone. Maybe getting a smartphone may get me to tweet more often too.
Anyway, here's my usual progress post.

Aside from that, I just wish I had more time to play this game. ._. I'm progressing so awfully slowly, especially compared to how many portable games I've been completing lately. It just seems ridiculous that even after having to wait 2 years before I get to play this game that I've owned the whole time, I still can't play it as freely as I'd like.
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future - Being the only DS game that I'm working on right now, it's naturally gotten the most progress out of them all with how I play the DS more frequently than anything else at the moment, other than Kingdom of Loathing. I ... guess I'll be doing a review for this when I finish this, but I'm not sure what to say about it for the most part. Not too many changes from the other two previous Professor Layton games.
Kingdom of Loathing - Started doing Bugbear Invasion pathed runs, I certainly do prefer fighting Bugbears over having a bunch of item tests in the Naughty Sorceress' lair. Of course, the bugbears are pretty tough, so it kinda forces me to play as Saucerors to be efficient at the Bugbear Invasion path. On my post about Bugbear Invasion, I mentioned muscle classes, but I haven't really tried them out yet. Mostly because playing them will probably still be expensive MP-wise. I could see myself spamming Shieldbutt against the stronger bugbears, and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to maintain buffs and spam shieldbutt that many times.
PVP has also been popular, and I've been checking that out as well. Happened at a pretty convenient time I guess, with one of the minigames being how deep you delved in Fernswarthy's Basement.

Tried out PVP for the first PVP quest as Frantz. Got owned pretty badly, but I feel like I've learned quite a bit about good combos and effective strategies. Having a spammable, ranged attack certainly can be advantageous, provided you can predict your opponent's movements. Not sure if I'll really get into PVP in Rusty Hearts, but it's definitely a neat feature for the game. Worth checking out at least, just to experience PVP once.
Lumines II - Decided to pick this up since one of my friends really recommended the game to me. It's a solid game, sure. In fact, I could see this getting in the Top 5 Competitive 2 Player Puzzle Games list, but I still think that Meteos is the better puzzle game that Q! Entertainment made. Sure does make me think about Chime on Steam too. Similar ideas and concepts.
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