The previous restrictions I've had due to the flea infestation has been slightly loosened after the exterminator came, but with the cats around, I don't think the fleas will really be gone for good without the proper responsibility and care I spoke of before. My previous bites STILL haven't recovered, and I may have some new bites on me, thanks to ignorant people who purposely neglect rules on a whim. My average hours of sleep in the past month had been about 4 hours of sleep a day. Most of the time, I get 4 or 5 hours of sleep, but on several occasions, I have had nights with maybe 2 hours of sleep, greatly due to the itchiness keeping me up. Now, I have more reasons to dread the lack of sleep, and I may be looking at a second month of little to no sleep. But first, let's see what people think about cats.
are cute!: 3 votes
can only be as good as their owners are.: 3 votes
are generally friendly.: 2 votes
only care about themselves.: 2 votes
can be trained.: 2 votes
suck.: 2 votes
smell bad.: 2 votes
are generally smart.: 1 vote
can't be trained.: 0 votes
are generally dumb.: 0 votes
Total voters: 7
It appears that none of these options have even gotten more than 50% of the votes for the number of voters. Guess there are people out there who think otherwise to most of these options, even that they're cute. Makes me wonder why LOLCATS are so popular. Maybe because they just do weird things or something, but maybe I'm just immune to what people consider to be "weird things" to begin with. After observing people for a while, "weird" isn't any more weird than other weird things, I guess. Maybe I should have added an option for "do funny things." in there.
Back to the topic my much needed hibernation, I am starting to feel the effects of my spring pollen allergies. It is my one, major weakness that greatly hinders my ability to function normally, with extreme cases causing me to not be able to open my eyes without them itching. Having some sort of moist paper towel to wipe my eyes with help, but isn't the most practical solution. For example, I hate driving during spring time since I have to force myself to keep my eyes peeled to drive safely. My driving record is still completely clean, but mostly because I avoid going anywhere, especially during spring time, unless I absolutely have to, like going to class. ... I hope mentioning this won't increase my auto insurance or something. I mean, there's more to driving than the single factor of vision, but awareness in general, as well as quick judgment, and a well maintained car that don't have any problems. Now watch my blog as I start getting insurance ads. >_> ... And here I go talking on off a tangent again.
It certainly is hard to stay focused without having enough sleep. It's even harder when you're constantly bothered by itchy eyes and a runny nose. Sleeping longer certainly helps me be able to focus more when I need to, and it also helps me resist my allergic reactions a bit more, from what I've experienced. This is why I tend to hibernate during the spring season. But with these flea bites and other things keeping me up, I am in a pretty miserable state.
At least, I've finally started playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope now. After owning the game for 2 years, it's about time. D= The game sure does feel slightly more complicated compared to Star Ocean: Second Evolution though, and fairly different from Star Ocean: Till the End of Time as well. I'd like to talk more about the combat mechanics in a review, but I don't see that happening for quite a while, since I only just left the second planet.
I also plan on playing inFamous as well, whenever the opportunity arises. I'm glad I was able to get Taco to grab it for me with the free PS Plus membership after the huge fiasco when PSN was down for a long time. But until then, I should work on finishing off some more games from the backlog. SPAZ and Recettear comes to mind...
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