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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Poll - Voting Duration Length

It's the middle of September, so here's the latest poll results!

Currently, each poll is open for 45 days. Is that too long or too short?
Too long. Shorten it to 30 days. - 2 votes
45 days is good. - 1 vote
Too short. Lengthen it to 60 days. - 1 vote
30 days is still too long - 0 votes
60 days is still too short - 0 votes

Well, I only got 4 votes, which really doesn't tell me too much. Maybe not enough people care about the polls on the right? Regardless, I find them to be helpful in getting a better idea of what the general public's interests are, allowing me to decide on what I should focus working on next on the site.

Either way, the winning vote is to shorten the poll to 30 days. Perhaps I'll just stick to having two polls on the right as opposed to the three that I've had for quite a while. I don't always have the best ideas for poll questions, and I'm not sure if I can maintain having a new question every ten days. I don't know whether if this decision will stay however, depending on how the site looks. I have been trying to maintain a good balance between the main body of the site, and the gadgets and other features on the right side, but it doesn't work all that well without some intelligent web designing. I'd like to spend some time playing around with site layouts to see what would work best for the site, but unless I hire professionals to do the job, I don't think it'll happen any time soon.

Speaking of professionals creating a new site layout for me, I wonder if that can be a possibility for something simple. I mentioned in my old, promotional post, Charlie Tang's UMVC3 website, how my online friend's boyfriend made this site, and how they make websites for commission. The promo I did back then was just for that UMVC3 site, but perhaps an investment in their service and promoting it can be beneficial for all of us. I should see whether if they have the time to help me out with a new layout. Of course, if I have a good idea of what I want the finished product would be is a plus, especially since I have been in the position of designing a website for a client before (although nothing came of it), but I haven't thought too much into it quite yet. We'll see how this will go though.

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