N Rank - Max Level 20 (30 at Full EVO)
Heaven cards
Chivalrous Thief Elisir - Cost 5 MP
ATK 720 - 860 - 1000 - 1290
DEF 680 - 820 - 960 - 1230
Vargas - Cost 6 MP
ATK 720 - 860 - 1000 - 1290
DEF 780 - 940 - 1100 - 1410
Little Princess Vanessa - Cost 6 MP
ATK 730 - 880 - 1020 - 1320
DEF 870 - 1040 - 1220 - 1560
Carbuncle - Cost 5 MP
ATK 650 - 780 - 910 - 1160
DEF 650 - 780 - 910 - 1180
Twin Spear Hero Regulus - Cost 7 MP
ATK 940 - 1130 - 1310 - 1690
DEF 760 - 910 - 1070 - 1370
Principality - Cost 6 MP
ATK 690 - 820 - 960 - 1230
DEF 810 - 980 - 1140 - 1470
There appears to be other cards in this category, but I haven't gotten them yet it seems. Whenever I obtain them, I will edit them into this gallery.
Edit: New cards released and obtained. Here they are.
Cherub Tiel - Cost 5 MP
ATK 600 - 710 - 830 - 1070
DEF 700 - 850 - 990 - 1270
Melpomene - Cost 7 MP
ATK 730 -
DEF 970 -
Laney Padol - Cost 6 MP
ATK 820 - 990 - 1150 - 1480
DEF 830 - 990 - 1160 - 1490
Lucia - Cost 6 MP
ATK 830 - 990 - 1160 - 1480
DEF 720 - 870 - 1010 - 1310
Beast of Luck Waff Waff - Cost 6 MP
ATK 760 - 910 - 1060 - 1360
DEF 820 - 990 - 1160 - 1490
Snow Pigeon - Cost 6 MP
ATK 690 - 820 - 960 - 1230
DEF 810 - 980 - 1140 - 1470For more info on the game, check out my early review here.
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