The results...
Do you have a new year's resolution for 2012?
No: 2 votes
Yes, same from previous year: 1 vote
Yes, both a new one, and a previous one: 1 vote
Yes, a new resolution: 0 votes
Not sure what to say with this small sample, honestly. All I can say is that half the people don't even have a new year's resolution... based on the 4 people that voted. I know that more people have visited the site since then, but people don't seem to feel inclined to vote in them for some reason. I wonder why?
Anyway, onto talking about anime. I've been very behind on a lot of anime, and I still am, really, but I've managed to catch up to what's currently being aired in Japan with One Piece finally. I've had a huge gap between the time when Toonami on Cartoon Network stopped airing the show, in the middle of the whole Skypia arc, and when I started watching it again in Japanese. I certainly do prefer my anime in Japanese over English dubs, usually. Especially when some bad companies like 4Kids butcher them. I was especially upset when Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo got licensed in the US when the show was still being aired in Japan. On top of that, they killed so many of the jokes, cut so many scenes, and just... made it so that it made a lot less sense than it already did in their attempt to close culture gaps and such. =/ I have to ask whether if butchering anime for the sake of targeting younger audiences in the US is really worth it. Because that's when most anime gets completely butchered.
Also, I do have to say that watching anime sure has gotten harder now with many sites having taken down many episodes from their servers for illegal uploads of copyrighted material, especially after the whole SOPA and PIPA mess and Mega Upload getting taken down and everything. However, I can't complain since the publishers aren't profiting from people watching them from these sites, and makes me wonder whether if there IS a way for the publishers to profit from people watching episodes from the internet.
Wow, I just realized how big of a tangent I just went off on when all I meant to do was talk about the anime series I've watched recently. o_o; So I'm caught up on One Piece now, finished watching Angel Beats, Bakemonogatari, currently watching Nisemonogatari, Tiger & Bunny, Persona 4, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, and... some others that I probably forgot to mention. With the rate of me watching them (usually while I eat lunch at the computer every day), I'm sure I'll be checking out more anime sooner or later.
Hopefully watching anime won't be as hard as it is right now, and that the publishers could possibly make the changes to make it easier to watch them without having to buy the DVDs or something. I mean, profit can be made from other sources than DVD sales, right? I'm sure that's the best, but... that's where people go to get the DVD extras and stuff, so there will still be buyers, I would think. It's only just a thought though, and if there's a problem with this idea, please, point it out to me in the comments. I'd like to know all the difficulties in making this idea a reality.
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