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Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My blog entries sure have slowed down quite a bit already, and I still have a lot more to share too. At the same time, I guess I'm holding back because I want to put more pictures in my post, and I haven't had the time to edit things yet. It'd be great if I can do a little more character designing anyway before I introduce Crescent Legends and its cast.

In the meantime, more game talk.

Kingdom of Loathing - Just finished my 5th Oxycore run. Currently in Aftercore to do the Nemesis quest real quick before ascending to my last Oxycore run for the plexiglass set. After that, I'd better hop onto the Way of the Fist run while it's still hot.

League of Legends - Summoner level 29 now. Also got the free Kayle skin, along with Kayle herself. Now my current permanent roster is Akali, Janna, Pantheon, Tristana, and Kayle. Still looking for a good jungler to main when the team could really use a jungler and what not. I'm liking the idea of jungle Udyr, but not sure if I am ready to actually pull it off, especially without dedicated jungling runes.

Disgaea - Final Chapter? Got some pretty nice stuff. Leveling and transmigrating decently and what not. Not sure what to do if I actually do beat the story. I guess there's some extra stuff to check out.

So yeah. Here's some other things that have been catching my eye, like Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends With You being in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. I can't really say that I'm excited for the game since I still don't have a 3DS yet, and I haven't been all that interested in a Kingdom Hearts game .. well, since after the first game. I think it was a fun game while it lasted. Just that it didn't last very long for me because I had the original KH game in Japanese, meaning no optional bosses, including Sephiroth. >_>; That was like.. what I was really interested in when I got the game, but nope. Mine didn't have it because it was some added stuff for the US release, and then a superior version of Final Mix came out afterwards. In terms of action, it wasn't all that interesting after a while. At the time, I was also playing Star Ocean: Till the End of Time as well, and I had a much more fun time playing that than KH, so.. yeah. Aside from the first KH, the only other KH I've played is KH:Chain of Memories so far. Haven't bothered with KH2, KH358/2 days, and Birth by Sleep, although I might be checking that out soon.

Well, I'm getting distracted now. Look forward for the next post in hopes of me actually making some artwork or something.

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